I hope all of you are staying safe and healthy! I've been thinking a lot of the situation we're in and how I, as your friendly neighborhood librarian, can be of any help to you. For one, I know all of you were sent home with a (probably really thick) packet of work to do. I also know that you saw that packet and said "This is so much work!" I hope you know you can email your teachers, but you can also email me! You can find it to the right under my picture. So, my hope is to help in any way that I can. I plan to post something new at least once a day. I want to start with just recommending a few online resources that you can use to find e-books or audio books! Included are some online links to authors doing reading of their books. (Which is totally not a violation of copyright!) First, click on the image to the left to check out what your local library has for free reading sources you can use. *You need a library card for this, and they are currently closed. As of right now someone is there if you call during their hours!* Check out author Kate Messner's website! She is working closely with other authors to make videos of them reading their own books to you! Enjoy some new stories, and also enjoy some of the writing challenges they give you! Kate Messner will also be running a "virtual book club" stay tuned for that link coming later this week. She will be reading her book Ranger In Time Comments are closed.